Friday, June 29, 2012

Official July 7th Book Signing

HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its totally official peoplez!!!!!!!!!!! On July 7th from Noon-3pm, I am having my very first book signing!!!!!!!! And check it out I even made it on to their website!!!!!!!!!!!

So if you're in the area please feel free to stop buy and chat with me (book price is $18.95) and also walk around this marvelous and wonderful store! :D :)
Just be paitent with me as I am still in my body sling. Here is the directions to get there and the address I copied from their webpage:

2819 S. 125th Ave
Suite 261
Omaha, NE 68144
Go to 125th and West Center Rd, head south on 125th ave. Look BEHIND the Office Depot and boom! there we are!

I'm totally excited, can you tell? :))))


Monday, June 25, 2012

Book Signing and 120 views

First of all--Thank you everyone for reading my blog! I currently have 120 views!! :D That means so much to me.
And my website has has 80 hits!!!!!!! :D

Okay, so its official, I will be having a book signing at Krypton Comics on Saturday July 7th! I will post up the address and directions keep you all updated!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

THE PAIN!!!! And book signing update

Uggggggggggggggggh. I dont think I've ever said "Ow" as much as I have these past few months. And I just started PT so I'm howling a lot more now too. I love it when you go in. They're like "whats your pain level at this moment?" I so want to be all snarky and say "Its currently at an 8 but I promise by the time I leave it will be at a 10 or higher pain level." Where's Tony Stark's quips when I need them? But all my therepists have been wonderful and nice. Its not their fault my shoulder hurts. Its my @#$% dog's fault!!!!! There's been times when I've been sound asleep and she's rolled my shoulder of its pillow so she can sleep on my shoulder/chest. I wonder if this is payback in some odd twisted form? Is she trying to get back at me for all those times I've told her to shut up? For all the shots at the doctors office?
I dont know. I just dont know.

So I may have scored my book signing on July 7th. Not sure yet but I will keep you all posted!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

After Surgery

Hey all! Ugh, my surgery was last week. I am doing well but am still stuck in a sling and in pain a lot. Like a lot lot. Why? Cuz they had to staple the cartiledge back to my shoulder because apparently it was torn off from the bone.
THAT would explain the pain for the past three months!!!

So I've been propped on the couch watching TV and eating ice cream. And working on my second book. :D Its funny because as they were outting me under for the surgery a very medicated me asked for my dad and the moment he walked around the corner I started instructing him what should happen in my second novel. I was so hyped up apparently that I continued to yell out instuctions as I was wheeled around the corner. Hee hee!

Ugh, pain is kicking up, Keep it realz.