Saturday, January 26, 2013

Amazing Day--totally epic!

Well hello there fellow bloggers and people who reandomly happen upon this page--welcome!!
Today, we are going to be talk about a old passion of mine. Figure skating. I don't know if I have ever talked about this before here on my blog--usually I am trying to promote the slog out of my book or come here to vent about random things, but I used to be a competetive figure skater, and I got up to a high level, if I do say so myself. I loved it so much that it was my biggest of passion of evers. I wanted to be a competitor in the Winter Olympics. I had so many dreams and idols that I wanted to meet, and when so much happened in life, that dream slowly faded away and folded away into new dreams, such as writing novels, which truth be known, I have wanted to do my entire life, but writing and skating are totally two different things. Writing is something I have in my blood, its like breathing to me, its something I do with my mind. Skating, again was like in my blood and it was like breathing to me, but in a phyiscal sense. But in the end, life happened and skating is now a closed chapter in my life, only a reminder to me when I see dusty medals, trophies and ribbons on my self. And I am okay with that, totally and completely okay with it, because now I am focusing on becoming a writer and school.

Well, to continue on with my little speel here.

So the U.S. Figure Skating Championship was here for the past few days, and I got to go and watch the figure skating championship on Thursday and today to watch the women's skating competetion. They were absoutly wonderful! It was such an honor to watch them in their skating programs, it was beautiful. There were some mistakes though, obviously, as skating is an extremely hard sport and I myself have been in that situation where you had a wonderful practice but when it comes time for the actual performance, everyone just goes wrong. What I didn't like was the fact the judges chose their medalists based on their names and not their performances, though the girls who got 2nd and 4th deserved 1st and 2nd, and there were a few others who I thought could have gotten much higher then they did...BUT...that's not the point...
So I didn't know that there was going to be famous peoplez...peoplez who I have idolized since I was a little girl.

And so (drumroll please) I got to meet Sarah Hughes and Sasha Cohen. *mind blown running around screaming at the top of my lungs* IT WAS THE MOST AMAZING MOMENT OF MY LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot tell you how amazing that was to meet my idol Sarah Hughes!!!! It was so fantastic!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3  It was the most fantastical thing ever!!!! I was so amazed to met her, she was so sweet and down to earth, it was just the most amazing thing ever. I felt so truly blessed and honored to meet her.

I also got to stand next Kristi Yamguchi and Michel Wiess!!! I also saw Tara Lapintsky...and I totally just spelled their last names wrongs, but anywhoz, but yeah it was so cool!!!

So so so so so so so fantastic. It was incredible. I truly some day would like to be just like Sarah Hughes, a good role model and someone who gives others hope and inspiration. It was a lovely, lovely night.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Return of the Ever Traveling Author


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

And to all of those who thought we'd be dead by 2013: Feels good to be alive, don't it? You should probably return all those things you bought because you'd thought you'd be dead by now.

A new year starts and and another year passes. I don't know about you, but when I was younger, the years certainly seemed to move by slower, and now they move by so quickly, I'm not sure how to handle it. I will be 21 this month and a new semester is staring up. Oh my goodness, I'm starting to feel old and I've hardly begun to live life at all!

So, on the writes end, still working on the second novel of The Portal Hunter series...though I suppose its actually called "The Glaxion Series", but forever in my mind it will be The Portal Hunter series.
Anyway, I am on Chapter 25 now, and I'm not sure, but I believe that there will be 40 chapters in this novel, but I don 't want to say anything defiant for right now.

also, I think I'm part Glaxion, because my hair keeps growing insanely long after I get it cut!