Monday, March 18, 2013

Hello readers of my blog! It has been far too long. And I blame homework and midterms for that. Plus, no internet at my house. #Somethingiswrongwiththat.

So, I am back at college and studying hard...maybe...haha. I found out my History class was canceled today and was like "this is a good time to catch up on my blog and tumblr."
And yes! I have a tumblr. Please follow me on it!

But really, let's get down to business. I am here to get real with everyone when it comes to my book and writing. So I am trying to get a literary agent interested in my book. But it has been quite a struggle, and I will fully admit that there are some scenes in my book that really could use some touching up on. So I have a plan/goal that I am working on. I am going to start reworking on The Portal Hunter from scratch...okay, not completely from scratch, but mostly. I feel that my book is 80% done, but it needs an extra 20%, an extra push, to improve completely.
However long it takes, I will rework on my book. But even more than just that, as I have mentioned before, I have at least 28 other books that I am working on. So while I am working on TPH, I will also be working on some other books that have nothing to do with TPH Universe, and in between writing these different works, I may just try to take a break from TPH to promote another book, at least until I can give TPH a fresh brand new start. But rest assured, I will never give up on TPH series. I have so many plans for them, and to be honest, my ultimate goal is to have it turned into a graphic novel and possible a TV show, which is why I do all this art work of my characters.

So, that's to just update you all, my lovely readers! Have a wonderful day and keep writing on!


  1. 28 other books besides The Portal Hunter? Wow! That's seriously impressive. Good on you for always trying to improve your story. I look forward to the next installment in the series, but I understand if it takes you a little while. :)

  2. Thank you! I just can't seem to make the creative juices stop, no matter what I do. I honestly have about 1,900 people running around in my head (is it sad that I added it all up?!).

    Thank you for always reading my blog and commenting by the way, I appreciate it! I will hopefully get the remake started this summer, which will have themes from the second book and I will be starting on the second book as well (using the elements that won't be installed in the "first" book) :)

    I plan to work on a different series as well...I may or may not need a break from all my TPH characters...Jade has become far too dominating...haha
