Monday, November 12, 2012

A slight to the ego but I will hold my head high and continue on

Sorry that I have been gone for such a long time. College has been super uber crazy and I honestly question my sanity every day of my life when I wake up for classes, sit down to study or am about to take an exam. I mean, all I want to do with my life write, ya know? And then I remind myself that if I want to make my characters better, I first must better myself, which is really hard because I have over 28 different novels I want to work on. So, yes, if you've imagine me whimpering at this moment, you're correct.

Well, good news! I saw that my blog has been viewed 528 times! THANK YOU INTERNET WORLD! And thank you my awesome one follower! You're the best! :)  That kinda makes me feel a bit warm and tingly on the inside, especially considering how I'm like, never on here anymore, again, thanks to college.

So I have been taking a four hour creative writing class, and though while we mainly work on poetry which I suck at, it's been a lot of fun. However, I cannot wait for Christmas break so that I can advertise the slog out of The Portal Hunter. I'm telling you, each time I hop into the shower I expect to pull the curtain back and find Jade sulking there, demanding to know what I'm doing with my life and why I haven't devoted my time to finishing how she will save her people. And then with my mind being the way it is, I expect her to turn Glaxkaskadium and try to burn my ass with her fire. xD How crazy would that be in real life, if you think about it? A writer going to take a shower and then confronting a physical living breathing form of their character in the shower, ready to literally tear their ass apart? My floormates would think I was crazy (at least until Jade came storming after me, to which a sufficiant amount of running away would commence at that moment). But, hey, I'm writer crazy, so it's okay.

Speaking of writer crazy, I entered the Self-Publishing Writer's Digest Competetion and I entered the MoonBeam Awards. I did not place in either of them. With the Moon Beam, I think I forgot to fill out paperwork, and with Writers Digest, well there was 3,000 entries. I'm amazed they remembered to email me back. But it's okay! Yeah, sure, it's a bit painful to have my book rejected (think of being rejected by the love of your life and multiply that by 72 and you may possible understand how I feel) but I refuse to let this defeat me or crush down my dreams. It's like skating (and to those who didn't know, I used to be a competetive figure skater, so, expect tons of skating references and philosphies), just because you didn't win the medal this time doens't mean you won't win it next time. So already I've begun to scout out other contests and I am looking at other websites that I can make my book known on. I am going to share my creation with the world. I have so much in mind for The Portal Hunter! I want to share how I see my characters and just how wonderful they are. My goal is to have them in a manga/american comic series and a anime series. You'd be amazed at what my characters can do!

So yes, I refuse to give up!
Have  a wonderful night!!

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