Sunday, October 13, 2013

Summer, Fall, College, Life Goals and Roller Coasters!

Ooooooooooooooooooh my gosh! It's been far too long everyone!!! How have you all been doing? I mean, really, how has everyone been doing? How was your summer? How have your lives been? Please, comment and let me know!

Well, I suppose I should explain why I have been gone for so many months. Ha ha, this story is going to be epic. Well, to start with this May, after the free comic book day (which was so totally epic): I went home to Montana for the summer for summer break, and I had the coolest summer job. What was that job? I was a white river rafting guide. That was so cool! I trained from May to June on how to read the river, on how to do CPR and safety/first aid stuff, on how to steer boat, on how guide customers and what not. It was incredible. Every day I got to see bald eagles everyday, got to go on the river every single day...oh it was amazing. The scenery, the fun we would have, putting trips together and putting 800 pound rubber rafts into the river and then carrying them out. Oh, granted, it was not always perfect. I got tired of waking up at 6am everyday or dealing with people you saw every single day (they can be so irritating sometimes), but at the end of the day, for the most part, I was so glad that I got to have the experience that I did and that I got to meet the people that I did. I got to meet so many wonderful customers, get to know some fantastic locals, and get closer to some friends that I got to work with that I had known for years.
I got to see bears this summer, I got to swim in rapids and currents, and in fact, I would swim in a eddie (check out this term, it's pretty cool. basically a eddie is a part of the river that is hitting up against a rock or a current or the shore or some other sort and two currents are then created and then hit each other, swirl around and create a circular pool that constantly spins around, sometimes slowly or quickly) and at the bottom of the eddie was a school of fish the size of my arm. It was the coolest thing ever, it was like they had accepted me into their school, and they would swim around me or let me kinda chill out with them before swimming away. I got to watch (and help) a man propose to his girlfriend (and she said yes!). And I would also go for hikes, trail hunting, nature watching, kayaking and mountain climbing. So my summer was incredible.
Sadly though, I worked hard (and played hard) for 12 hours straight. So my writing kinda fell down under the cracks of life for awhile.

And then college started! So I thought I would have time to write.
HA! As if. I was silly enough to take Japanese this year. Nani?! Nandesuka?! Why did I do this to myself?! No, actually though, I am really enjoying learning Japanese. It's really tough and I struggled with my midterm, but I am proud to say that it is a B in Japanese. :D

Now, this year, we had to chose, or at least decide more of what direction we want to go, what our majors and minors are going to be. I have finally decided to get a Major in English with a Specialty in Creative Writing, and I have also decided to get two different minors. I would like to get a minor in Theater Performance (Acting) and Film Studies (screenwriting mainly). So, this minor in Theater Performance because I have finally come to grips with the fact that I would like to be a Voice Actress. I hope to be able to work for FUNimation and Nickelodeon and perhaps even DreamWorks or Disney, but I really would like to work with dubbing Japanese Anime. This is something I really want to do with my life, and I would like to have a lot of my works turn into graphic novels/magna and eventually TV shows/Animes.

Now, to talk about the projects that I'm working on:

I am currently rewriting The Portal Hunter. Yes, I have decided to do it. I want to rework on the plot, characters, detail, etc., I feel like currently it is 80% of the way there, and it just needs that extra 20% to become a best seller. And when I say extra 20%, I give it a extra 100% more.
Also, I can't give out to much information on this, but I am co-writing two different books with two different people. It was amazing.

Well, that is all. I hope to talk to you all soon!

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