Sunday, October 13, 2013

Summer, Fall, College, Life Goals and Roller Coasters!

Ooooooooooooooooooh my gosh! It's been far too long everyone!!! How have you all been doing? I mean, really, how has everyone been doing? How was your summer? How have your lives been? Please, comment and let me know!

Well, I suppose I should explain why I have been gone for so many months. Ha ha, this story is going to be epic. Well, to start with this May, after the free comic book day (which was so totally epic): I went home to Montana for the summer for summer break, and I had the coolest summer job. What was that job? I was a white river rafting guide. That was so cool! I trained from May to June on how to read the river, on how to do CPR and safety/first aid stuff, on how to steer boat, on how guide customers and what not. It was incredible. Every day I got to see bald eagles everyday, got to go on the river every single day...oh it was amazing. The scenery, the fun we would have, putting trips together and putting 800 pound rubber rafts into the river and then carrying them out. Oh, granted, it was not always perfect. I got tired of waking up at 6am everyday or dealing with people you saw every single day (they can be so irritating sometimes), but at the end of the day, for the most part, I was so glad that I got to have the experience that I did and that I got to meet the people that I did. I got to meet so many wonderful customers, get to know some fantastic locals, and get closer to some friends that I got to work with that I had known for years.
I got to see bears this summer, I got to swim in rapids and currents, and in fact, I would swim in a eddie (check out this term, it's pretty cool. basically a eddie is a part of the river that is hitting up against a rock or a current or the shore or some other sort and two currents are then created and then hit each other, swirl around and create a circular pool that constantly spins around, sometimes slowly or quickly) and at the bottom of the eddie was a school of fish the size of my arm. It was the coolest thing ever, it was like they had accepted me into their school, and they would swim around me or let me kinda chill out with them before swimming away. I got to watch (and help) a man propose to his girlfriend (and she said yes!). And I would also go for hikes, trail hunting, nature watching, kayaking and mountain climbing. So my summer was incredible.
Sadly though, I worked hard (and played hard) for 12 hours straight. So my writing kinda fell down under the cracks of life for awhile.

And then college started! So I thought I would have time to write.
HA! As if. I was silly enough to take Japanese this year. Nani?! Nandesuka?! Why did I do this to myself?! No, actually though, I am really enjoying learning Japanese. It's really tough and I struggled with my midterm, but I am proud to say that it is a B in Japanese. :D

Now, this year, we had to chose, or at least decide more of what direction we want to go, what our majors and minors are going to be. I have finally decided to get a Major in English with a Specialty in Creative Writing, and I have also decided to get two different minors. I would like to get a minor in Theater Performance (Acting) and Film Studies (screenwriting mainly). So, this minor in Theater Performance because I have finally come to grips with the fact that I would like to be a Voice Actress. I hope to be able to work for FUNimation and Nickelodeon and perhaps even DreamWorks or Disney, but I really would like to work with dubbing Japanese Anime. This is something I really want to do with my life, and I would like to have a lot of my works turn into graphic novels/magna and eventually TV shows/Animes.

Now, to talk about the projects that I'm working on:

I am currently rewriting The Portal Hunter. Yes, I have decided to do it. I want to rework on the plot, characters, detail, etc., I feel like currently it is 80% of the way there, and it just needs that extra 20% to become a best seller. And when I say extra 20%, I give it a extra 100% more.
Also, I can't give out to much information on this, but I am co-writing two different books with two different people. It was amazing.

Well, that is all. I hope to talk to you all soon!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Information and Reviews

Hello there! So I finally have the information I was promising to everyone about those wonderful people I met at Krypton comics.

First of all, are there any of you who are looking for a new comic to dive into? I highly recommend "The Culling", which is a really fantastic future-istic comic book series. I believe that there are only three comics currently, the first two and a special "0" comic that kinda serves as a prologue. I was not able to attain that comic at the time and I regret it because a lot of information apparently was in that comic. Hopefully I can obtain it and then add it to my collection! But anywhoz, it's really fantastic. It kinda has a Transformers-meets-Hunger-Games feel to it, which I happen to love very much. It's full of awesome action and graphics so far, so I give it a five star review and two much-approved thumbs up. I recommend getting into the series. Here is their website link :)

Now Jim Mehsling was one of the awesome men I had the opportunity to sit next to (and he also drew Donatello for me! :D) He has to coolest looking gritty graphic style, so I would totally check him out if I were you. Check him out on

Also, he made some really funny animation videos of Star Wars that had me giggling, so please check that out as well!

And also, last but not least, you have to check out this cool dude's page. Ryan Chandler was the awesome magician who not only kept me guessing but kept me entertained while at Krypton Comics. He also is a musician, so please check out his work!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Krypton Comics was Amazing---and a side note to Mr. Mike

Oh my goodness, Krypton Comics was just absolutely amazing. I had one of the best times of my life there. When I arrived, which was like 30 minutes before the event started, I was absolutely shocked at how many people were in line! The line wound all the way around the building and I'm pretty sure it took over the strip mall. I had the honor of meeting Ryan, a
Magician who personally had me entertained the entire time with his card tricks. I was beginning to learn a thing or two, and then he would always switch it up and I would have to start all over. I also got to meet some amazing artists, two I sat next to was Jim and Kathleen Clark. Oh my goodness, it was completely amazing. I also got to meet a pretty cool guy who did a voice impression of Bender from Futurama. His name was
Jon Portrey, and he was really talented, and here is his page site!

Also, I promise to add more things on the other people I mentioned, but currently I am still at my college and do not have their business cards with me, so I will have to log on later to type up their websites. I also had the pleasure of meeting a group of fantastic guys who self-published their own comic book, and I can't wait to figure out a way to download their website link onto my website...once I can figure out how to work my website...But they were amazing people and I can't wait to read the comics book. But, back to the FCD...

I ended up selling about 13 or 14 books, and even one of my professors came to visit me! It was an absolutely fantastic day. And I was blessed to have two amazing friends of mine come with me to free comic day and hang around for most of the even. Oh, and, fun fact, I actually DID get to meet Superman...and it was amazing!! He was a very sweet guy, and as much as I wanted, I didn't ask for a photo with him or an autograph because he looked so exhausted, and honestly, after being there from 9:30am-6:30pm, I was exhausted too. It was just an honor to get to shake his hand and chat with him for a few minutes.

Now, on to some very sad news...
There was a man in my life who has been there since I was a little girl. He has a leader in my church, his name was Mr. Mike, and he was one of the most wise and wonderful people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He died the day before FCD apparently, and I found out this past Sunday. I could not go to his funeral due to finals and I really hate that fact. He was one of the greatest people in my life, he was like family to me. He was kind, wise, whacky, and a great Christian role-model for not just me, but hundreds of other kids in and outside of my church. I promise to come visit your grave Mr. Mike and pay my respects now that my finals are complete. You were such an amazing person...I was truly blessed to have you in my life.

I have finally finished my freshman year, and as I move onto my summer, I mourn having to leave my wonderful friends here but am very eager to see my friends who I have known for years and to visit family again. I can now FINALLY work on my books, I'm thinking of working on two or three, we'll see what I can cook up. Plus, I plan on getting a summer job.

So anyway, sorry for the late post on Free Comic Book was amazing, I was honored to be a part of it, and I hope that I will have the opportunity to be a part of it again in the near future!

Friday, May 3, 2013



Ya'all won't believe what has just happened to me. Or rather; what I just found out.

So, about a month or two ago, I was facebook chatting Dean Phillips, owner of Krypton Comics, and he happened to mention that there was going to be free comic book day and was wondering if I was interesting in setting up a booth. I was like "Heck to the yeah!" Of course I would be! But I had no idea how huge the event was going to be.

How huge is it?

Brandon Routh, who played Superman in "Superman Returns", is going to be there.

Please excuse me briefly while my head explodes.

HOLY CRAP! I mean like...HOLY CRAP!!!

I am so dang excited I can't even find the words to explain. I mean...HOLY CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!

I realize that I will probably never ever get to meet him tomorrow, but I will be able to catch a glimpse of him perhaps, and just know that we were in the same building. #seriouslyfreakingoutrightnow

I'm just...gah. I can't even. The excitement is just too much. I am honored that I was asked to attend this event and that such a interesting and amazing guy will be there.

Just too cool for words!

Here is the link to check it all out: (plus, if you scroll down, you'll fine my name there! :D)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

FREE COMIC DAY ON MAY 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes! Yes it is that upcoming time of month! FREE COMIC BOOK DAY!!!

So naturally where will I be? I will be at Krypton Comics, and I will have a book signing going on there as well, which is a huge honor for me. I really enjoy the story, so it just tickles me pink to be able to set up a stand there. My book will be on sale, instead of being $18.95, it will be $10 instead.

And, I would like to apologize for hardly ever being on here. I have been so busy with school and social stuff that I have not been able to tackle my books, or maintain this blog, which I realize kinda makes me a sucky writer and blogger, but I have FINALLY decided what it is that I want to do with my life. I want to get a major in English with a specialty in creative writing and double major in Computer Graphics, and my hope is to work for companies like DreamWorks or Nickelodeon or Disney, where I could help with either designing the characters, help creating the stories or working on  the animation (which is a laugh because I can't even figure out how to work this computer of mine, but I am a hard worker and I believe in myself enough that I can figure it out!!!!!). Plus, I have to make a huge confession: I love animes. Shocking, yes (no not really) and I would love to do the English dubs for all the really cool Japanese animes that I watch and love. I am going about trying to figure out how to do that as well as work on my double majors...and possibly get a minor in film productions...I'm not too sure about that one but I am working on it for sure.

But anywho, dear blog readers, if you are in Omaha Nebraska, please stop by 2819 S. 125th Ave, Suite 261! Check out the wonderful comics there and stop by my book stand! I hope to see people there and I hope that you are all having a wonderful day!

Now, on to matters of music: What am I listening right now this very minute?
Well, why don't you find out? ;)

Sing it, Billy Joel. Sing it.

Now I'm off to either sleep or finish history's 3am, so who knows what I'll do.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Hello readers of my blog! It has been far too long. And I blame homework and midterms for that. Plus, no internet at my house. #Somethingiswrongwiththat.

So, I am back at college and studying hard...maybe...haha. I found out my History class was canceled today and was like "this is a good time to catch up on my blog and tumblr."
And yes! I have a tumblr. Please follow me on it!

But really, let's get down to business. I am here to get real with everyone when it comes to my book and writing. So I am trying to get a literary agent interested in my book. But it has been quite a struggle, and I will fully admit that there are some scenes in my book that really could use some touching up on. So I have a plan/goal that I am working on. I am going to start reworking on The Portal Hunter from scratch...okay, not completely from scratch, but mostly. I feel that my book is 80% done, but it needs an extra 20%, an extra push, to improve completely.
However long it takes, I will rework on my book. But even more than just that, as I have mentioned before, I have at least 28 other books that I am working on. So while I am working on TPH, I will also be working on some other books that have nothing to do with TPH Universe, and in between writing these different works, I may just try to take a break from TPH to promote another book, at least until I can give TPH a fresh brand new start. But rest assured, I will never give up on TPH series. I have so many plans for them, and to be honest, my ultimate goal is to have it turned into a graphic novel and possible a TV show, which is why I do all this art work of my characters.

So, that's to just update you all, my lovely readers! Have a wonderful day and keep writing on!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Amazing Day--totally epic!

Well hello there fellow bloggers and people who reandomly happen upon this page--welcome!!
Today, we are going to be talk about a old passion of mine. Figure skating. I don't know if I have ever talked about this before here on my blog--usually I am trying to promote the slog out of my book or come here to vent about random things, but I used to be a competetive figure skater, and I got up to a high level, if I do say so myself. I loved it so much that it was my biggest of passion of evers. I wanted to be a competitor in the Winter Olympics. I had so many dreams and idols that I wanted to meet, and when so much happened in life, that dream slowly faded away and folded away into new dreams, such as writing novels, which truth be known, I have wanted to do my entire life, but writing and skating are totally two different things. Writing is something I have in my blood, its like breathing to me, its something I do with my mind. Skating, again was like in my blood and it was like breathing to me, but in a phyiscal sense. But in the end, life happened and skating is now a closed chapter in my life, only a reminder to me when I see dusty medals, trophies and ribbons on my self. And I am okay with that, totally and completely okay with it, because now I am focusing on becoming a writer and school.

Well, to continue on with my little speel here.

So the U.S. Figure Skating Championship was here for the past few days, and I got to go and watch the figure skating championship on Thursday and today to watch the women's skating competetion. They were absoutly wonderful! It was such an honor to watch them in their skating programs, it was beautiful. There were some mistakes though, obviously, as skating is an extremely hard sport and I myself have been in that situation where you had a wonderful practice but when it comes time for the actual performance, everyone just goes wrong. What I didn't like was the fact the judges chose their medalists based on their names and not their performances, though the girls who got 2nd and 4th deserved 1st and 2nd, and there were a few others who I thought could have gotten much higher then they did...BUT...that's not the point...
So I didn't know that there was going to be famous peoplez...peoplez who I have idolized since I was a little girl.

And so (drumroll please) I got to meet Sarah Hughes and Sasha Cohen. *mind blown running around screaming at the top of my lungs* IT WAS THE MOST AMAZING MOMENT OF MY LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot tell you how amazing that was to meet my idol Sarah Hughes!!!! It was so fantastic!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3  It was the most fantastical thing ever!!!! I was so amazed to met her, she was so sweet and down to earth, it was just the most amazing thing ever. I felt so truly blessed and honored to meet her.

I also got to stand next Kristi Yamguchi and Michel Wiess!!! I also saw Tara Lapintsky...and I totally just spelled their last names wrongs, but anywhoz, but yeah it was so cool!!!

So so so so so so so fantastic. It was incredible. I truly some day would like to be just like Sarah Hughes, a good role model and someone who gives others hope and inspiration. It was a lovely, lovely night.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Return of the Ever Traveling Author


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

And to all of those who thought we'd be dead by 2013: Feels good to be alive, don't it? You should probably return all those things you bought because you'd thought you'd be dead by now.

A new year starts and and another year passes. I don't know about you, but when I was younger, the years certainly seemed to move by slower, and now they move by so quickly, I'm not sure how to handle it. I will be 21 this month and a new semester is staring up. Oh my goodness, I'm starting to feel old and I've hardly begun to live life at all!

So, on the writes end, still working on the second novel of The Portal Hunter series...though I suppose its actually called "The Glaxion Series", but forever in my mind it will be The Portal Hunter series.
Anyway, I am on Chapter 25 now, and I'm not sure, but I believe that there will be 40 chapters in this novel, but I don 't want to say anything defiant for right now.

also, I think I'm part Glaxion, because my hair keeps growing insanely long after I get it cut!