Friday, September 14, 2012

College.Is.Trying.To.Kill.Me. and Short Story!

Yes, as the post said, college is trying to kill me. There is this odd thing you people call "homework" that is just such an odditity. Seriously. And there are so many reading assignments! Whhhy people, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??!! 

Actually though I am truly enjoying what I am studying but this is hard. Fun but hard but naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

Yeah, pretty much, like, ya know????????????

Oh and listen to this! I just entered a writing contest. There was a magazine that is starting out with its first publishing ever and I emailed them sending off a short story, only 4,000 words long. I am so proud of myself! Sadly for me though, I liked my short story so much and its became number 28 on my list of books to have written. So, I am going to be so very much busy for, oh say, the rest of my life. But hey, I can handle this. I love writing and I will never get my characters to shut up until I have them written out on pages, so, yeah.

So I will be posting some of the first few pages at least until I hear back from them, if they say yes we love it or no, thanks again, try later. So, with that in mind, here is the first half. Comment and please let me know what you think! :)


by Krista Bergren

When I felt the cold steel of the knife slice through my back my mind went blank as the hot burning pain exploded through my senses. But I’m not the type of girl who is going to go down without a fight. Using whatever moves I could recall from Hapkido class, I somehow was able to spin around and kick the bank robber in the crotch. That felt satisfying. On his way down he managed to slice open my stomach. And that’s when things got freaky. The blood that splattered out across his face wasn’t colored red. It was purple. And my wounds had just healed. I couldn’t help but feel shocked as I stood in the middle of the giant bank in downtown Omaha, watching my freakish blood spread over the perfectly polished marble floor. The bank robber suddenly arched his back and began screaming as the skin on his face fester and bubble, as if his skin were melting off his face. It was as if I were seeing myself acting in a science fiction film. I felt my numb hands fly up to my face as I watched the man thrash around in pain. Holy shit, I had done this to him! Before I could even react I heard the popping sound of a gunshot and the robber twitched a bit more before lying still on the floor, his skin now melting away to muscles and tendons. I will admit right now that I threw up. I think you’d have to be pretty damn insane not to be sickened by this sort of thing. As I sagged to my knees, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Looking up, I saw the most unearthly beautiful man I had ever encountered in my entire life. Now, let’s get one thing straight here. I ain’t some sort of girly-girl who fawns over every handsome man she encounters, but this dude was pretty hot. He had the palest skin I had ever seen, with fiery ocean deep green eyes, and a wonderfully sculpted body. Before I could even react he reached down and picked me up as if I didn’t weigh more than a twig, and began to carry me away, out of the building. As we reached the parking lot, my mind clicked back on and I began to hit him. “Yo, what do you think you’re doing?” I snapped. “Who are you? Where are you taking me?” He reached up and pinched a pressure point in my neck and I blacked out, but not before I saw him toss a shiny object into the building. As my eyes close I am pretty sure I saw a hot flash of red come from inside the bank.
Hatched (c) Krista Bergren

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