Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hastings, Website and random thoughts

So my local Hastings store agreed to sell some of my books off the shelves for me and I will be doing a book signing there as well. Am I excited? Oooooooooooooooh yeaaaaah! When shall the signing be? No clue as to yet. Working on that :)

Also, I dont know if I've mentioned (and its possible I have and am just not paying attention to my older posts) but I have a website for my book now! :D :D :D :D Check it out peoplez. Its in baby step processd at the moment but I'm proud of it nonetheless!

Okay, so random thoughts: Has anyone suffered from spiders stalking you? I was in my bathroom the other day brushing my teeth when I noticed my towel looked a bit gauzy. i reached over to pick it up and a female hobo spider jumped out at me. I'm telling you, I think they are after me. I killed one spider early spring and since then they will not leave me alone!! I will be sitting in a chair reading a book and there goes a spider scurrying acoss the ground. Suddenly it stops, turns, sees me, and charges in my direction. Perhaps I have already ranted about this? If so, I apologize. I'm just rather sick of spiders attacking me on a daily bases. I shall be stocking up on bug spray. I'd gret poison but my dog has a lovely habit of getting into things he shouldn't O__o

Also more random thoughts: I'm loving IDW comics. Soo good. But how long does it tsake for a comic to be published? I'm more of a book and manga reader, so comics are new to me. I'm waiting for the new IDW TMNT comic to come out but its taking soooooo loooooooooooooooooong. How long does this process take? I'm quietly going insane T___T

Also, has anyone listened to the new band One Direction? You should. i usually dont buy CD's of a band (prefering to get itunes or cds with the best songs from each aretist/band) but I recommend getting their CD. I love every song of theirs so far. My favorite song of theirs at the moment:

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